Pride Colors Meaning
What do the rainbow colours mean. The Bisexual Pride Flag The pink color represents sexual attraction to the same sex only gay and lesbian the blue represents sexual attraction to the opposite sex only straight and the resultant overlap color purple represents sexual attraction to both sexes bi. Pride Flags Tripride It is composed of 6 colors that can be seen in various establishments theme parks clothing lines and even childrens book. Pride colors meaning . Black means asexuality grey means grey-asexuality a grey area between asexuality and. This has become the illustration of their pride and their journey towards equality. This has become the iconic stripes that symbolizes the queer community since 1978. This year marks the 20th. The meaning behind every color can be seen in this Pride flag. Like the other pride flags each colored stripe has a different meaning. The pink and turquoise were excluded so that the flag would be easier to mass produce. Brown and blac...