
Showing posts with the label civil

Civil Rights Leaders Today

The right to decent work at decent pay remains as basic to human freedom as the right to vote. A co-founder along with CNNs Van Jones of the online activism resource Color of. Three Chicago Area Civil Rights Leaders Who Kept Making A Difference In Older Age Chicago Methodist Senior Services Jesse Jackson and Stokely Carmichael could also bring an. Civil rights leaders today . Civil Rights Today. John Lewis is the only living member of the Big Six which refers to leaders of some of the more prominent organizations active during the height of the Civil Rights Movement. Martin Luther King who lost his life supporting a garbage workers strike in Memphis once said. The classic civil rights era was defined by them and it wasnt just the Rev. Nelson Mandela one of the most famous and most loved human rights activists of our time turns 94 today. Tometi is one of the three co-founders of the influential Black Lives Matter BLM Movement created in the. Civil rights leaders an...